Literature Review Rough Draft

Key aspects I considered :

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  • Provide a concluding statement
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Tania Labra Margarito 
ENGL 21003
Professor Zayas
Literature Review 
March 21, 2023
     Animal testing is performed in many human used products. Those products undergo animal testing to test the level of toxicity, safety for human consumption, and overall contact. Cosmetics for one, are one of the many products wildly popular in connection with the process. Cosmetics have a wide range of beautification and help in changing human appearance in spectrums. Can consist of nail polish, hairspray, and makeup, as well the general chemicals used in any cosmetics that can fall in other products other than cosmetic related products. Animal testing is a sensitive topic in correlation with animal abuse to improve and develop formulas on cosmetics. There're many popular brands in the beauty industries used in 2023 that people may not know are sent to animal testing. With that said, big companies have a reason as to why they connect their formula creation with animal abuse rather than other alternatives. As well as the science between animal tested cosmetics and that doesn't. Society has made many responses upon this topic all differ from the United States, the European union and China. 
     What is animal testing? It consists of torture from chemicals forced on animals such as guinea pigs, rats, mice and rabbits. In the article, “Cosmetics animal testing FAQ” states, “Skin and eye irritation tests where chemicals are rubbed onto the shaved skin or dripped into the eyes of restrained rabbits, without any pain relief. Tests that deliver doses of chemical substances to mice through repeated force-feeding. These tests last weeks or months so researchers can look for signs of general illness or specific health hazards such as cancer or birth defects. Widely condemned "lethal dose" tests, in which rats are forced to swallow large amounts of chemicals to determine the dose that causes death.” Inhumane processes like these on animals, like humans they have feelings and souls. Furthermore Andrew, who has done the article, “These Brutal Cosmetic Testing Methods Are Why We Need Cruelty-Free Makeup” states, “According to the Humane Society, animal testing is pointless when it comes to determining the safety of cosmetic compounds. Different species respond in different ways when exposed to the same chemical. If one type of lipstick hurts a rat, there’s no guarantee it will harm humans.” In the end of the day animals aren't humans, maybe biologically have similar genetics of a human but to be 100% sure the results of an animal being tested on a certain chemical does not guarantee accuracy. This is an idea of what goes on when doing animal testing. 
     To this day world spread companies, popular known cosmetics brands don't usually advertise if they are against animal cruelty or not. One must look deeply into their socials, for statements. Hidden facts can shock people that they have been technically supporting brands that have a relationship with animal testers. For example, “At the top, L'Oréal, valued at USD $10.2B in 2021, is not a cruelty-free company. L'Oréal is followed by Gillette, Nivea, Guerlain, and Estee Lauder, none of which are cruelty-free companies. Other notable brands that fund animal testing include MAC, Lancôme, Pantene, Maybelline, Benefit, and Shiseido.” L'Oreal is well known to find a loophole around not strictly stating they do participate in sending their products to animal testing at some point in their brand. To add on, “L’Oréal does not test any of its products or any of its ingredients on animals. Nevertheless, because our products are sold in China, L’Oréal still figures on the PETA list. In China, the health authorities still require and carry out animal testing for certain products.” The quote highlights that unless they are forced to use animal testing to expand their brand, they allow animal testing since China does ask for any makeup sold in their country to be checked on animals. The pattern in these big brands is that they fell for marketing and in spreading their products to China that forces them to have their makeup tested on animals. 
     As big brands try to expand their products to China, they are facing the challenge of contributing to animal testing. The article, “What’s Going On With China’s Animal Testing Laws in 2021” states, “On the other hand, some cruelty-free consumers aren’t comfortable with supporting any brand that chooses to put their products at risk of being tested on animals in China, since China’s regulations do not explicitly exclude the use of animals in post-market testing and it’s not 100% guaranteed.” China’s strict regulations have been modified yet some brands did end up participating in cosmetic animal testing. For instance, “The new exemptions to China’s animal testing requirements do not apply to products for infants and children, products with new ingredients, or products from companies that are already under supervision by authorities. Companies marketing “special” cosmetics—such as hair dye, sunscreen, and hair-loss products—in China will still be required to pay for tests on animals under the new regulations.” Although PETA did change a significant number of cosmetics imported from other areas of the world to be forced to undergo animal testing due to the law there's still other cosmetic products to aim at fighting for. 
     In conclusion animal testing is subjected to force animals to take in variety of chemicals just so a formula is well developed. It ends with death upon the animals, yet a slightly better product for human cosmetics for one. Slightly better since animals at the end of the day are animals and aren't 100% biologically similar to a human. Popular cosmetic brands have had or do take part in that process for safety data about their product before going to the public. The most common reason as to why a brand come in contact with animal testing are so they can be sold in the high populated country, China. Where they do promote animal testing in most cosmetic products for the “safety “for the people. They’ve been modified since PETA, a well-known anti- animal testing organization, stepped in and convinced them to at least limit most cosmetic products. Which has been done yet those brands before this modification did support animal testing for the longest time due to China strict laws. 

Work Cited

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